i'm thinking to sell my car
it takes deep thought to make these decision
yes or no
time will tell
thank u

6 Responses
  1. Syada137 Says:

    which 1? gTi? adoi~
    sayang nyer..susah nak jumpe gTi lgi if u nak go for better & bigger car, why not kan? think wisely dear..nak senang "tolak" kat ayah ko je..hehehe :p

  2. maiza Says:

    syd yg gTi dah lama aku tolak.aku tolak gTi ambik myVi

    tp skrang aku tolak myVi dah nak ambik..........


  3. Syada137 Says:

    oh?? serius?? u dah tolak gTi?? lor, patut la aku kalau lalu depan umah ko mase on the way gi JJ baru xde nmpk kete i thought u're not home..huhu

    eh, myvi br je amek kan? tak rugi ker nanti? i mean the bayaran deposit and all that la..but if u insist, i think is ok..dream big & aim high~ ^_^

  4. maiza Says:

    aku dah tolak gti lame dah
    tp bila aku dah ckp ngan ko aku rase naaaaaaaaa i'm not goin to sell that car!!

    thankz syd
    problem solve
    role the next prob;)

  5. Syada137 Says:

    ha? ckp dgn aku? when? where?
    what did i do?? ^_^

  6. maiza Says:

    u know when where and what have u done syad..
    dont's gOOd

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