Petame skali nk ucp tahniah pd the first guy yg bg idea ttg practical.Dr Mahathir kot(i admire him very much) brilliant idea.
Mgkin ramai my frend yg x setuju ttg hal nie tp sedar atau x diorg dah ade pengalaman. this will be a valueable xperience for them.
aku nak share sikit ttg xprience aku.
i) perkauman. definitely is happen.mmg sensitive but trust me it happen. x caye tnye shida.but seriously it still happen. bila 1 kaum tue bkuase kat enviroment tue, maka kaum yg minoriti pasti akan ditindas. penindasan selalunya secara halus(bkn bomoh ok). aku x hrpkan permasalahan ni dpt selesai tp cukplah harpn aku agar org yg ditindas ni segera bgn dan lakukan sesuatue bcoz this country belongs tu u!
2)tentang kwn sekeje. kwan sekeje kita ni manusia jadi x hairan lah semase practical ini kita akn didedahkan dgn pelbgai scenario. antaranya tikam blkg,kaki ampu, bergosip, couple, x jujur, dtg lewat, kna marah, keje yg same je, byk keje, elaun, dll. pasti semua org akn hadapi benda yg same.
3) practical sbrnya tolong student. almost everyone rase rindu nk g kelas mase first day g practical. so kira persediaan lah nak berpish dr title student dan tukar status mjadi Marketing Manager (insyaAllah).
So pd yg sedang practical...betahan k..tinggal bape hari jer
bg yg nak practical enjoy ur day at U hehehe
Hari sabtu yg lepas ade lah hari yg pling bz buat miss 1234..i tolong sikit2 je. tgk lah smpai ade sepit ade kat baju dia pn dia x perasan. sorry ek miss 1234 ,saje nk usik you.
today my mother g sarawak. jalan2 cuti malaysia. oh my god..jealous kan? time2 gawatlah my mother nak g becuti..tapi xcited nak tunggu buah tangan dr mak.hehehe
mak,,,jgn lupe pada nak mu ini..
every company has their own account department right? that for sure. so let's talk about person in charge for account department which is Miss 12345. What ?? that's her name let it be like that bcoz she is naif. i do not know how she will act if she found out about my blog. tapi like she say
biar dia..hehe yeah she always says that. ape ek nak cakap pasal dia?
to be honest she is hardworking....no2 wait! she is workaholic..actually a lot of things that i learn from her especially in the account scope. but it more than that. she told me eveything...yeah everything...jgn pk bukan2 ok.ape yg dia ajar is something that you as a student wouldnt found in the book. and for that i thank her very much.
ok cukup2 lah cete pasal hal dia dan keje..lets talk about her personally.hehehehe
bab ni yg best. when talking about miss 12345 people need to know several thing
she is crazy for melayu punya food.totally insane.hehehe.opppsshe is very good in english and malay tetapi versi pasar lah(maksudnya kasar lor)huhuhuhuhape lagi ek
yeah .. i know.... i nak tulis kat cni ayat2 yg selalu sgt dia guna. so kita tgk sape yg kna...
biar diakasi potong (dont get wrong ok)kasi bikinlebih lah engakukusut lah ubenci awakdan
u berani ek tak takut saya marah guess what miss 12345 i takut heheheso what ever it is , i gonna miss u
i'll appriciate this moment(lebih lah pulak)
thank you....
well2 look what happen to my KM Melaka...
to be honest i know more than that. cause i was sitting besides politician.
2 feeling right now.
first, i'm very up sad bcoz it give bad impression towards peole from Melaka. plus, he(KM Melaka) is not directly do it(maybe..only God know).
Second i feel happy..bukan sbb dengki ok..tapi sbb insyallah he will continue to be KM for Melaka..trust me he done very good jobs for melaka. So many development in Melaka. I'm telling the truth. sesape yg x dtg melaka just for 6 month u will see the different . i bet you!
so let see what happen!