Lately huge story pasal friendster try-ing to compete wif facebook. Tak caye!?

This is my blog ler. Kalo nak GOOGLE ar sendiri. Kalo ade facebook tp tak tahu story ni hampeh ler namanya.

So berbalik pada topik ni.. dari ape yang ku research-kan ramai yang agree facebook miles better than friendster. I bet they did a good job. Cuma sekarang secara jujurnya aku tak join ngan fb cause for several reason. antaranya aku sibuk. nak update blog ni pun kadang2 smpai kena 'sound' baru nak update.

Seriusly aku tak ade kepentingan tuk ade fb. It just another method to have fun and get more 'friend' sedangkan bila kita dah ramai 'friend' hanya beberape orang jer yang akn muncul bila diri ini di timpa musibah.

Jadi kepada pihak yang sentiasa berbisik kepada aku why  don't u open fb account..This entry is the answer for ur question. For me yang masih celek IT, aku cuma cakap tak mau join fb tapi i'm not anti-fb ok.

4 Responses
  1. Syada137 Says:

    hahaha..well said mai, well said.. :)
    Aku paham nape ko taknak ade FB account. Aku pun tak sajes ko ada FB account, nanti leka main games je, macam aku..hahahha :p

  2. [ITS ME] Says:

    u should have it.. so that u can keep in touch with others.. neway, tak semestinya u ada fb account, u will play those games.. mcm akak, tak pernah pun main game2 yg ada dlm fb tu cuma my purpose is to keep in touch with others..

    kak farah, suruh you call dia.. guna no lama dia.. dia nak pegi vacation kat melaka.. she needs your help, dear....!!!!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    dont worry mai. i will never ask u to join FB. even u dont have FB, u still have me to know all new stories about our frens. Well! Im ur gossip frens. heeee. :p

  4. maiza Says:

    cha * u the best ar PA in gossip...

    syad * i syad dari spm smpai la ni x insaf lagi ker?!emm x pyh lah kot kan

    kak pea * still no!sorry. but i'll always update story ngan u

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