it's 25 already!
yeah i'm turning 25 dis year..
happy birthday mai

we gonna celebrate :))
dont get wrong
we = my family
sape kate boring?
i'm happy and no problem wif dat

for bufday
my family traditon would be
eat, cut the cake , open the gift and sleep :)
first thing first
choose the main menu
it is either nasi ayam, nasi beriani or nasi ambeng
(yeah in case you dont know, my father is jawa ;)
ni menu wajib..x leh yg lain..
must choose between dis three
so for dis year ( same gak mcm tahun2 lepas)
i choose Nasi Ambeng
emm yummy
thanks mak.

and dis year cake 
sponsor by atika

well atikah
she is the best
fulfill my dreams
million thanks atikah.

and special thanks to
lee xin and miss woon
member @ offices
they celebrate my bufday
(sorry pitcher tak de lah :(
i thought they forgot
lee xin thanks for d cake from Muar
and miss woon thanks for the angpaw

emm pe lagi ek
emm about him
well dis is the story

4 april 2011
12.14 a.m


me : askum sayang
him : happy bufday to u sayang
me : ( x sempat2 jwb salam) ----> dlm hati je
mekasih sayang
him : ......silent.......
me : .....silent too....
<after 3 minute>
him :  emm yang , dh smpai turn syg main badminton ni
me : oh ok ..
him : !@#$$♥%%^&♥^& -----> ayat biase bila end
me :#@$♥%$%^♥^&* -----------> ayat biase tuk reply bila end
me : btw syang , ni hari jadi ayng yg ke berape ek
him : yang ke 27 lah kan ..tahun 1984 kan?
me : what?????????------>dlm hati
him : kenape? 1985 ke?
me : call ayg balik bila dah tahu
him : ok
him : !@#$$♥%%^&♥^& -----> ayat biase bila end
me :#@$♥%$%^♥^&* -----------> ayat biase tuk reply bila end


so what do you think?
cute?comei?tak patut?? weird ? unromatic ?

dear readers 
jgn cepat menilai orang
if you asking me when his bufday
honestly i'm telling u i need to look at my phone 1st
or at least his fb 

well i got what i was 
dont feel sorry for me ok
i'm cool with dat
it's my reality
it's my story on my 25 bufday

5 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    kelakar la korg ni..haha..setau aku, ko xpenah lupe besday bf ko mai..ekeke.. :p

    btw, happy belated besday girl! sejak dah abis dip, kite xpenah celeb besday ko lg..huhu!~ lama x celeb besday sama2..rindu zaman dip! :(


  2. ShidaGhazali Says:

    27 y/o?
    omg...x seswai3..hehe

  3. maiza Says:

    x penah lupe ko kate...
    lawak lah ko ni cha....

    gmbar tue ek
    ade tapi aku ni asyik malas je nak buka computer bila smpai umah...nanti2 aku update kasi ko k

  4. maiza Says:

    shida! mmg lah x sesuai..gilo mu tahu dok..

  5. mai Says:

    mai, happy belated birthday.. :)
    kenapa lah kan aku sgt teruk wish bday sgt lambat tu pun lepas baca blog post?? sorrryy~~ :')

    happy birthday mai!!

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