
lame gila aku tak update blog.sgt bangt busy lah lately.tapi ape yang penting aku sangat2 lega kerna AKHIRNYA aku dengan official nya telah menamatkan sessi pembelajaran aku.Wah lega sangat.

Say no to book
Say no to class
Say no to assignment
Say no to test
AND say no to exam.

tapi pada kawan2 aku yang masih study...cayok2..cayok...go for it. tinggal selangkah je lagi. jadi dont give up. life as a full time worker pon x de yang syok sangat pon.hehehe

later update lagi lah....

2 Responses
  1. Syada137 Says:

    tahniah beb..!
    im happy for you..
    unfortunately not for me..
    i have examinations..
    huhuhu :p

  2. maiza Says:

    u will survive syad. don't you worry. there must be a reason for that. i trust you and pray for u.

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