This is all my stuff that still PENDING. Tak tahu bila boleh jadi nyata.

This is Watch from guess.. tpi bukan jenis ni yang aku minat. Yang aku minat ntah mane. Tp bila aku pk kan balik , kulit aku ni ade alergi sikit dengan jam tangan . so aku tangguh dulu….

Aku nk beli monitor ni. Tapi bila pk balik aku bukan guna sangat computer aku hold dulu

Aku tgh searching info psl blackberry ni. Aku nk sagt pakai. Prob nya aku tak th sgt psl gadget ni. Mne satu yg better I just don't know beb. So aku perap dulu..

Aku mmg terigin nak belikn kusi L tuk mak aku.Tahu kusi L ape? Tp aku tgk umah aku cam dh x de ruang jer. So aku pendam dulu.Pic is not show the L chairs k. don't get loss!

last is

Aku nak slim cam ni. Tp bila aku pk balik. Lantak lah…..!

Nie lah impian aku kala dan ketika ini. Tak thu mane satu nak di laksanakan dulu. Sebenarnya tak mustahil bg aku tuk buat ni semua cume aku terlalu kedekut bila ade duit. Bila tak de duit sana sini aku nak belanja. Huhuhu...


Mekasih semua….

Cha where are u?

Syad is everything ok?

Dilla ko wat ape skrang?

Mysarah masih keje petang lagi ker?

Kak pea, u still can be pretty than me.

Shida..windu nak cit cat ngan ko….

Lagi sape later i update


hello hello....
This is my new look.. Like it? no?emmm...

It's me wif my mother. She is sleeping beauty...hehehehe

My syg like dis picture. I like it too lah sayang..sayang i love u. i also can't wait to see u! muah.muah..

Taken at Melaka Cruise wif my sister..

So ni lah my new look. Some people might like it and some people might hate this. But this is me. I can do whatever i want with MY oWN MonEy.

aDE gak yang kaTe aku ketinggalan dan ada gak yang cakap aku cam hantu...tapi aku x kisah...i don't even care. but at first mestilah cuak but later i think she is so JEALOUS wif me! i'M SO HAPPY.

attn : i miss my good friend..where they are? i know u read me k!


lame gila aku tak update blog.sgt bangt busy lah lately.tapi ape yang penting aku sangat2 lega kerna AKHIRNYA aku dengan official nya telah menamatkan sessi pembelajaran aku.Wah lega sangat.

Say no to book
Say no to class
Say no to assignment
Say no to test
AND say no to exam.

tapi pada kawan2 aku yang masih study...cayok2..cayok...go for it. tinggal selangkah je lagi. jadi dont give up. life as a full time worker pon x de yang syok sangat pon.hehehe

later update lagi lah....


AmIr Johan bIn Syed Amir Zamir.26 years.born in Melaka.growth oversea.
That's all i know about him
Those information I took from his file
He is sales manager at this company
johan this entry for you.
hard for me to explain.
but i have to do it bcoz everybody keep asking me who is he in my heart.

he is my friend
for now...
y i'm saying this?
bcoz only God know what will happen.
susahnya nak explain!syada help me.
i respect u johan bcoz ur experience in marketing
i want learn it from u
that's y i close to you
neither i do not reject you
may be God create u for me
no one know
my new experience tell me about life
we can only plan
Only plan.......

please do not call me sayang again
please be friend with me
please teach me
please forgive me

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